Jiangsu Liulong SfeeI Pipe Co., Ltd came into being in 2006 and i s a Ch}nese-forelgn joint venfure esfab-Iished by Jiangsu Wuxi Hongxing MechanicaI & Elect ric Technology Co .,Ltd and American Lerin Corflparty. Thecompany is dedicated to the production and distribution of square and rectangular steel pipe,and owns the rightsOf handling imPort and export, and is the member Of ProfIIe SteeIfnstitute of China ASSOCiatIon of Steel StructureThe company has been aPPraised as Jiangsu Hi - Tech EnterPrise and Jiangsu Private TechnicaI EnterPrise and authorized by ISO9001:2000 quaIity management system and granted with InternationaI CE SymboI Jiangsu LiuIong SteeI Pipe Co.,Ltd is Iocated at the shore of beautifuI Ta{Lake Luoshe Town, one of safeIIitetowns of Wuxi city, In the developed golden triangle zone of Yangtze River Delta .Jing—Lu Railway, Jing-Hang Great Canal.Lu—Ning Expressway.Xiyi Expressway and 312 NationaI Highway run through the east and west of the lown WuxI internatlonaI airport ,Changzhou airpo rt and Shanqhai internatIonaI airport are just nearby nfrastrucfures 0f traffic,energy sources and information are well built prOvIdIng excelIent conditi0ns for the company’s excellenlt and qulck services and communication with domestic and overseas customers. The company pcssesses the fixed assets of l20 miIIion yuan and working caPitaI of l00 miIion yuan and 250 emPIoyees and 50 technicIans of aII fieIds Now the companY has introducod one set of 400 x 400 Iarge section square Pipe and coId—formed steeI machine 200*200 square PiPe and cold-formed steel machine and one set of large slitting shears The machine sets’high frequency welding is performed by American Thermatool high frequency wefder, The machine sets have Iarge strength capacity and can be used to cut and weId the PiPes with the thickness Of 16mm We possess advanced productiOn technics solid technical foundation and all-round inspection methods .The company has gained good reputation in the industry with our excellent products We are to construct a“century brand”wlth the sPirit of meticuIosity and“aII-pass”Producf quaIity and gradually construct the modes special to Liulong from aII aspects, such as management concept ,brand shaping marketing ,R&D,customer service and company's culture.  |